An Octosquad Update

3 years ago

10/28/2021 1:00PM UTC

Allie Knight

To see a world in a grain of sand

Hey gang! It's been a while. With the way the world has changed over the past 18 months, it feels even longer. I'm grateful that Steve and I have remained in good health and that freight has continued to move. Between runs in the truck and house renovations, I've certainly had quite a few long days recently. So I've decided to put the Octosquad on hold for the time being until I once again have the time needed to properly maintain it.

What exactly does that mean?

Effective November 1st, Octosquad signups are closed. For anyone who still has an active membership, you won't be billed for November or December, and you'll continue to get your perks through December 31st.

When will it come back?

I can't predict the future, so it's difficult to say. But I really don't want to half-ass the perks when you have all been so generous. Let's go with "as soon as it can".


Thanks for your support all these years and stay safe!

~ Allie

Thank You for Being Awesome!

This lovely set of Octosquad peeps help make this series. We truly and deeply appreciate the support!

  • Charles Johnson
  • Hans Christiaen
  • Gregg Lawson
  • Rob Kopple
  • Ian Anderson
  • Reid McNutt
  • Kevin Rose
  • Lee Cato
  • Phillip Madison
  • Laureen Allen
  • Merle Jephson-King
  • Darren Mohammed
  • Henry Allen
  • Issa Tseng
  • Alex Kriss